Monday, March 15, 2010

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken

Song: Drops of Jupiter

Lyric: Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken

Analysis: This song is a gem for great lyrics. And this line is the pinnacle (with the possible exception of the soy-latte line which we'll cover later). At this particular point of the song Train is discussing what life for the subject would be like if certain things were neglected. The first three that Train mentions are love, pride and deep-fried chicken, which begins a logical path and then sharply diverges to discuss a fried junk food. There can really only be three logical explanations for this:
  1. The subject of this song cares deeply about the feelings of love and pride much like any other human being, however she also cares about deep-fried chicken with a passion only found by Guy Fieri
  2. Deep Fried Chicken is actually the name of the subjects significant other
  3. The subject is really fat
Really, though, when you look at all of these options none of them make the subject of the song nearly as appealing as the major chords seem to make her. Train wants you to fall in love with the subject, and at first you think they are quirky, then you realize they are probably such a lazy being incapable of furthering society, and you cease to care about this subject.

But maybe deep-fried chicken is more important than our society deems it. There is a Greek god for Love, one for Pride, perhaps one of the lost Gods is a God of Fried Chicken... he would probably be called Guy Fieri.

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